You’ve experienced it. It’s that feeling of despair when a vital file is missing. Your computer’s decided to take your data and perform Houdini tricks. No need to panic. Just grab some coffee and lets dive into data recovery. Visit our website and learn more about A – Z Data Recovery Guide.
Imagine that. It’s a serious project you are working on, but suddenly your screen is black. This is a classic example of “what next?” scenario. All keystrokes and efforts seem to have disappeared into the air. Get your hands dirty now!
Before you do anything else, take a look at your Recycle Bin. It’s not uncommon for files to appear as if they are on holiday. Simply restore any that have been lingering there. This is easy.
What if you have no luck? Okay, lets get started with some software. Some claim they are miracles-in-acan. Recuva or Disk Drill tools, like those that are available from, will be at your disposal in a matter of clicks. You should choose your software carefully. Some freeware could install spyware. Keep your sources reputable.
As a little tip, do not install the tools where deleted files used to be. As if you were throwing a house-party while you are trying to clean your computer. A bad idea.
Time to get deeper. File History or Time Machine is a concept you may have heard about. File History, a Windows feature that can be incredibly useful to you. It tracks your documents. Previous versions can also be restored. Mac users enjoy Time Machine. You can turn it on at any time, then let it go through the space-time continuum to get your files. This is like having a DeLorean with your files.
If you don’t have a back-up, what then? To recover data professionally, you can turn to the services of a professional. Specially-equipped nerds squads are capable of doing wonders. But they can come with an expensive price. As the technologists of our time, they can restore data to physically damaged disks. The price may well be justified if the data on your disk is worth as much to you as grandma’s special recipe.
Did you scratch your head wondering if this is Hogwarts-style magic? You’re right, sort of. James Bond’s clean room and high-tech tools would impress these tech experts. As your last line, leaning on these experts is okay if desperate.
Next, we’ll talk about prevention. One ounce preventive action is equal to a pound cure. This statement rings so true. It is important to perform regular data backups. You can automate the backup of data to external storage devices or cloud services. Apple’s iCloud is a great service. Google Drive also ranks high. It can make your data feel as soft and comfortable.
RAID – Have you thought about it before? No, not Redundant Disks. The multiple disks are like safety nets. The other disks will cover you if the first one fails. Businesses with vital data will find this a great asset.
The time has come for the anecdote. Unfortunate for me, my friend was once a graphics designer who lost his whole portfolio. Completely destroyed. He didn’t speak for days. He had a buried old external disk that was full of most his files. Finding that old drive in his junk drawer was like finding a hidden treasure. Moral: do not underestimate old backups.
If you think to yourself, “Yes, I’ll finish that backup… one day,” then make it today. Not rocket science, just a few mouse clicks to get it done.
In the digital Wild West, data restoration is your Swiss Army Knife, or lifeline. Technology fails. Life is unpredictable. Now that you have the necessary knowledge and tools to deal with any situation in the digital realm, it’s time to go out there and save those files. So go save those files, like the digital hero that you are.